seta seta
Simão José BARBOSA ®
Cristiano Vieira FONTES
José Joaquim BARBOSA ®
Maria Mercês Vieira FONTES ®

Matilde Aleluia Fontes BARBOSA ®


Relações da família

1. Orlando Oliveira Baptista BARBOSA VICENTE ®

Matilde Aleluia Fontes BARBOSA ®

  • Nascimento: 11 Nov 1942, Salto, Fogo, Cabo Verde
  • Casamento (1): Orlando Oliveira Baptista BARBOSA VICENTE ® a 5 Jan 1967 em São Filipe, Fogo, Cabo Verde
  • Óbito: 14 Abr 2011, Lincoln, Providence, Rhode Island, United States com 68 anos de idade
  • Sepult.: 18 Abr 2011, Cumberland, Cumberland, New Jersey, United States

Símbolo  Eventos de relevo na sua vida:

• Atividade artística: participação num Sarau Cultural de Estudantes Liceais da Praia, em Mai 1959, na Cidade da Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde. Fazendo de quadro nº4 na peça "Visita a um ... Museu"

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NB: todos os que estão assinalados com um ponto vermelho e realçados a amarelo, têm uma página genealógica nesta árvore.

• Testemunho: Tania Vignaud, a 8 Jun 2019,.
I recently found out that my beautiful aunt Matilde Fontes Barbosa Vicente was posthumously given an award recognizing her contributions to Fogo Island. I may ask everyone else to add something about my aunt, but this is what I have to say about her (pardon my long post). She was small in stature, but giant in presence. She made herself known in a room and was deeply respected by all. Her former students, employees etc. She was a high administrator at Fogo's post office and ran the OMCV. She also was a teacher, school Principal & then administrador, while raising 3 super smart kids (one actually a genius, but I can't name names, bc I love all 3 equally). She was an activist for the women and labored alongside man and was a force to be reckoned with. She was altruist, strong, beautiful inside & out. She sacrificed for her loved ones and all made sure she lived a beautiful life. She didn't allow her trials & tribulations to define her as her person or to defeat her. Like a lioness she defended her cubs (her family members) tooth & nails. She was my voice of reason & sounding board. She filled in the gap & became my aunt mama in US. I owe finishing my degree to her as she opened her door even though she didn't have a lot space as she had other relatives living with her while adjusting to U.S. but we decided, where she slept I would be right beside her. I postponed my wedding few times in 2011 with hopes, she would beat cancer and be beside me. She told me days before she died "Tania, I had my plans, but God has other plans for me." I know you're whipping everyone into shape & make sure rules are followed and the place is immaculately clean (she was a clean freak) for us. We recognized YOU before your death. The world is just finding out about you. I came from warriors on both side of my family. Females, that took charge & took risks. Today, I'm honoring my #dna. The Caboverdean women that took charge when men migrated. They are our heroes & one of them is my Tia Matilde.

Uma mulher de garra, inteligência única e linda. Amo-te tia e sei que estás ao lado dos teus pais, , Irmão, cunhada e avós.

• Condolências ou Agradecimento de condolências:,. Matilde B. Vicente, aged 68, passed away peacefully with her family by her side on April 14, 2011. Born in Fogo, Cabo Verde, Matilde was the daughter of the late Jose Joaquim Barbosa (Zeca) and Maria Merces Fontes Barbosa (Ia).
She is survived by her three children, Rolando and wife Dona, Nataniel and wife Mena and Ligia and husband Alberto; her husband Orlando; three grandchildren, Patrick, Matthew and Alex; brothers and sisters; several nieces and nephews; uncles and aunts and several cousins.
She was the grandmother of the late Yanire.
Matilde will be remembered as a loving, devoted and special mother, a courageous and giving person to all her family and friends.
Her funeral will be held on Monday at 8:30 am from the Keefe Funeral Home, Five Higginson Ave, Lincoln, Rhode Island with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 am in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 291 High St, Pawtucket. Burial will be in Resurrection Cemetery, West Wrentham Rd, Cumberland. Calling hours will be held Sunday from 12 to 4 pm at the Keefe Funeral Home. Relatives and friends are invited.

• Foi sepultada no Resurrection Cemetery em Cumberland, Cumberland, New Jersey, United States. Cemetery notes and/or description:
Established in 1976, Resurrection Cemetery is the newest addition to the Providence Diocesan Office of Catholic Cemeteries. Located in the Lincoln-Cumberland area, this cemetery rests on 200 total acres of burial grounds. With only fourteen of those two hundred acres developed, there is still a large amount of space for the burial of deceased loved ones and future growth.

Resurrection Cemetery features two chapels for committal services and Masses when remembering the faithful departed.

There is a large usage of this cemetery by veterans of war when burying their loved ones. The Diocese will give a 2 space plot to veterans who served during certain times of conflict, check with the cemetery office for time periods. Only flat memorials are allowed on the space.

The rural location and panoramic view of the Lincoln-Cumberland area provides a calm and peaceful setting for the cemetery.

• Habilitação de herdeiros.


Matilde casou com Orlando Oliveira Baptista BARBOSA VICENTE ®, filho de Alberto BARBOSA VICENTE ® e Teresa Spínola BAPTISTA ®, a 5 Jan 1967 em São Filipe, Fogo, Cabo Verde. (Orlando Oliveira Baptista BARBOSA VICENTE ® nasceu a 7 Abr 1940 em Curral Grande, Fogo, Cabo Verde 1.)



1 Antero José BARBOSA, Famílias da Ilha do Fogo (USA: Create Space - Amazon, Agosto de 2013), § 110: p. 355. Data de reg.: 8 Set 2015.

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